داستان آبیدیک

محرز ساختن ـ محرز کردن

~ sâxtan, ~ kardan


1 Law:: vt establish; establish beyond doubt (evidence to establish his guild( (the prosecution must establish the corpus delicti with corroborating evidence to uphold the convictioni (derivative defense – a defense that rebuts the criminal elements that a prosecutor must establish in order to justify submission of a crimninal case to a jury – BB : prove, demonstrate, show, indicate, signal, exhibit, manifest, attest to, evidence, determine, confirm, verify, certify, substantiate ● prove (that proves I’m right( : show (to be true), demonstrate (the truth of), show beyond doubt, manifest, produce proof / evidence; witness to, give substance to, determine, substantiate, corroborate, verify, ratify, validate, authenticate, document, bear out, confirm; informal evince

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